来源:A加未来 时间:2020-08-27 17:40
官方文件说:These updates will give you a clearer sense of the content and skills that will be tested on the AP Exam.
首先目前的大纲是按照big idea来组织的,现在改为8个unit,这个区别到底是什么,首先我们看看目前的4个big idea是什么——Evolution,Energetics,Information Storage and Transmission,and Systems Interactions。每个big idea下面的知识点是盘根错节(multiple learning objectives are connected to multiple essential knowledge statements,不是一对一,也不是一对多,也不是多对一,而是多对多),比如说Enduring understanding 2.D:Growth and dynamic homeostasis of a biological system are influenced by changes in the system’s environment这个知识点下面,既包括了细胞层面的system(cell biology的内容),也包括生物个体层面的system(animal physiology的内容),也包谷许多个体作为一个整体的system(ecology的内容),对于知识融会贯通的学生来说当然不是问题,但是对于新接触这些知识的人来说,难免把脑子搅成浆糊了。
新大纲改革后,改为8个unit——Each learning objective is now clearly connected to specific essential knowledge statements.With this kind of specificity,you and your students will know how that content will be assessed on the AP Exam.(从多对多改为1对一了)
其次,这8个unit里面,是不是没有看到animal physiology的内容,折磨人的神经系统/运动系统say goodbye了(当然,如果你对生物很感兴趣,将来想读医学相关专业,这个部分还是要好好学的,不过对于AP生物这门学科来说,不再是必须的了),为什么会有这个变化呢?因为AP Biology teachers have told us that there is too much content to teach thoroughly and thoughtfully in a single school year.哈哈哈哈,CB官方终于知道AP生物有多少内容了,多到很多/全部生物老师都觉得AP生物一年讲不完啊,真是难为宝宝了。
所以呢,AP生物组委会说:we are removing some content from the framework to make the course more manageable for you and your students.Specifically,the framework no longer includes Body Systems.也就是说不考动物系统了。